Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Databases and indicators

LABREF - LABour market REForm database

LABREF provides a comprehensive set of data on the measures adopted by the EU Member States in policy fields likely to have a direct impact on labour market outcomes. It presents the key design features of each reform measure, allowing for a comparison of reform efforts over time, across labour market fields and across EU countries.

Tax and benefits indicators database

The tax and benefits indicators database presents results of an on-going joint European Commission/OECD project, aimed at monitoring the direct influence of tax and benefit instruments on household incomes and incentives to work.

Labour market policies (LMP) database

Labour market policy (LMP) statistics provide information on labour market interventions which are defined as "public interventions in the labour market aimed at reaching an efficient functioning and correcting disequilibria. These interventions selectively favour particular groups in the labour market."

Related reports

Youth Guarantee Indicator Framework database

The EMCO Indicators Group was mandated by a Council Recommendation to develop a fully-fledged proposal for a methodology and indicators for monitoring at EU level the implementation and results of the Youth Guarantee.

Long-term unemployed Indicator Framework database

As part of its mandate, the Employment Committee (EMCO) Indicators group developed an Indicator Framework and the accompanying methodological manual for monitoring at EU level the implementation of the Council Recommendation on the integration of the long-term unemployed into the labour market.

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